26 September 2016

Kaepernick didn’t bring politics into sports. The NFL did that by playing the anthem.

Zack Beauchamp

What White Catholics Owe Black Americans

We were among the greatest beneficiaries of the American dream. It’s time to acknowledge that our dream was built on profits plundered from black women, men, and children.

Matthew J. Cressler

15 September 2016

Olympians Don’t Need a Tax Break

Adam Chodorow

Two out of three ain’t bad

The Mundell-Fleming trilemma:

A fixed exchange rate, monetary autonomy and the free flow of capital are incompatible, according to the last in our series of big economic ideas

The Economist

06 September 2016

There's a simple fix for Obamacare's current woes: the public option

Jacob Hacker

If we've learned anything from the news of Aetna's retaliatory withdrawal from the healthcare markets, it's that allowing these firms to remain in business in 2010 was a huge mistake.

Donald Trump’s strange speaking style, as explained by linguists

Tara Golshan